A Look At The Most Popular Features In Android Lollipop.

The latest Android upgrade is Android Lollipop, it is a massive new version of Android which you can use on your handset right now, but do you know what the ten most important changes it brings? Well, I have the answer for you below. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but just a few of the more important and useful features in this most recent version of Android.

A lot of users have complained about the older camera in their handset, and many of them prefer to get the new camera, but many of the latest updates to Android just keep bringing the older one back. That is not the case anymore with the latest Android Lollipop. It has brought a better, more advanced camera into the OS, complete with a simpler menu system, better controls and a more logical way of using the hardware buttons. Not only that, but there is also a faster shutter speed.

Some of the handsets you would not have even considered getting without Android updates. Some of these include Nokia and the Blackberry Bold, although these two are definitely worth the upgrade. But there are even more than these latest phones you could upgrade to if you want.

Google Play Music, Google TV and Android TV. In the past, these were all bundled in with the phones they were meant for, but this is no longer the case. These were added to the OS, and you can now use them on your Android device, they are the most up to date versions of these apps available.

If you use Skype, Google Hangouts or any other third party chat client you should have a solid support for these. With the latest Android update you can now have a real time video chat in Google Hangouts. You could still use the old Skype client from before, but this is now much easier thanks to this feature.

Internet explorer now handles web searches the same way it used to, instead of the previous version of IE where it has to re-process the query every time. This has had a positive effect on the speed and reliability of websites, but some users still complain that there are more bugs in this update. So, if you use internet explorer a lot you should check it out yourself.

The latest Bluetooth headset works with your phone so you can make calls wirelessly. You will not need a USB cable, it is as simple as that. You will not even notice that the headset you bought is Bluetooth, as it connects straight to your phone via the Bluetooth socket on the back.

For those with special needs, there is another version of Android now available which takes audio and video data from your phone, then converts it to text and then shows it on your screen. So if you have a camera and microphone, but no speakers, you can now get them through this feature, as well as play music through your phone’s speakers. These are just a few of the most popular features on the latest Android update.

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